Caitlin DeJesus is this issue’s Senior of the Month. She wants to attend Valencia College in Orlando, Florida. Caitlin is on our Girls Softball team. Caitlin feels being on the Softball team has been an awarding experience, because they are all her family. Her favorite teacher is Miss Acciarito, because she has always been the first person Caitlin would go for advice since freshman year. Caitlin said there is nothing she would change about her high school experience, because you learn from your experiences. Her advice for future graduates is “don’t let any problems get in the way of school.” She says the “bookcase” in the end is what makes you. Caitlin was chosen as the Senior of the Month by Mr. Sullivan, for her hard work as Editor of the 2013 Yearbook. According to Sully, “Without Caitlin, there would be no Yearbook!”
Senior of the Month, Caitlin DeJesus
Michealla Aprigliano, Reporter
April 12, 2013