Sabrina Benbader- Junior of the Month
Sabrina Benbader is the Junior of the Month for October! She enjoys attending FDR because of the friendly atmosphere and many academic opportunities at our school. Her favorite subjects are English and History. In addition to loving to write, she thinks these are two very interesting subjects, and she usually does well in both classes. Sabrina is currently a Peer Mediator and a Student Ambassador. She joined both clubs to improve FDR’s environment and help others to realize how great FDR can be. She also wants to tell the new students, who just became the part of FDR family, that they should always keep a positive attitude and never to be afraid to ask for help with anything. Sabrina thinks that she was chosen to be the Junior of the Month, because she has put a lot of effort into the work she hands in. Congratulations to Sabrina!