Since Ms. Acciarito is the only AP Calculus BC teacher here at FDR, this course is limited to one class. For this edition of The New Dealer, I conducted an interview with students in AP Calculus BC. This interview allows the current calculus students to reflect on the course and their experiences this year while providing incoming students with an idea of what to expect. The students who took part in this interview highlighted AP Calculus BC as an intensely rigorous course that they deeply enjoyed because of their teacher, Ms. Acciarito.
What was your favorite moment of class this year?
“The friends I made along the way.”
-Yu Xin L.
“My favorite moment was reviewing a few days before the exam. It meant that all of our efforts in class would lead up to that very moment.”
-Cathy L.
“My favorite moment in the class was getting to meet my friends and suffering through Calculus with each other. Their support definitely helped me understand the concepts better.”
-Peixian C.
“My favorite moment of class this school year was the FRQ Presentation, because it was fun to create the slides and work on it. It helped me remember older problem sets which were extremely easy to solve.”
-Shamayun K.
“Whether it be by starting the day right with a puzzle or trivia, to religiously wearing pink on Wednesdays, every day was something new. Every day was something fun. I recall conversing with Ms. Acciarito about a scratch-off ticket I did on my 18th birthday, and whilst I did not win any of the prize money, I already knew that I had won the lottery in getting to know one of the greatest teachers to ever grace the earth.”
-Alexander Hernandez
What advice do you have for the incoming students who decide to challenge themselves by taking this rigorous course?
“Do not slack off; make sure you ask questions when you don’t understand a concept. Always go to the teacher’s tutoring, because they take the time out of their work hours to help you prepare. Also, try to create a good relationship with the teacher, it will be easier for you and the teacher, the more time you spend in the class.”
-Mariam T.
“If you were always good at math, prepare to be humbled. Studying every day of every week might be a necessity if you aren’t comfortable with math.”
-Yu Xin L.
“Good luck! It might seem hard and it might make you want to give up but, it’s all worth it in the end.”
-Peixian C.
“My advice for next year’s students is to make sure you have a broad idea of all the subjects. Having one speciality, in a specific concept, will not be helpful in a subject as broad as Calculus. Also don’t forget your special trig values!”
-Dassen S.
“It’s always best to not worry and pace yourself. It’s important to pay attention in class, because there’s always so much that you’re learning every day”
-Cathy L.
“Some advice I’d give to incoming students is for them to find a secondary source outside of classes in FDR to help them learn or practice the types of questions taught in class. Some that I used were Khan Academy, DeltaMath Videos, and”
-Shamayun K.
“When taking indefinite integrals, always add “+C”! It’ll cost you dearly when it matters most, and that’s all the time. Always wear pink on Wednesdays, too. You don’t want to be a stranger, do you? Try to cram your mind with the most far-fetched trivia facts as well. It’ll help you if Trivia Tuesdays are still a thing. “
-Alexander H.
If you could change one thing about this class, what would it be?
“I wish we had more time to learn some topics. The fact we start school two weeks later than most students means we have less time to review harder topics many struggle with.”
-Peixian C.
“I wouldn’t change anything in the class. Ms. Acciarito has done a very good job at setting a comfortable learning and classroom environment. She didn’t rush us and explained her lessons clearly. I can crack jokes with her, and I know that if I were to ask for her help, she would most definitely help me.” me.” -Mariam T.
“I wouldn’t change a thing, it was all enjoyable.”
-Cathy L.
“I love every part about it. I would want nothing to change.”
-Yu Xin L.
“If I could change one moment of class this year it would be learning series because it made me dread waking up on that morning.”
-Shamayun K.
“The answer is nothing! Yep, nothing! This class is perfect as is. You’ll have wonderful guidance from one of the greatest teachers at F.D.R.H.S. from September until May’s AP Exam, but you’ll always have a kind and wonderful person year-round. She’ll always be the highlight of your day. Trust me when I say that.”
-Alexander H.
AP Calculus BC Students:
What was your favorite topic to learn?
“My favorite topic to learn was definitely polar. It was very easy and used information from earlier in the year, and remembering some of the required formulas was relatively easy.”
-Mariam T.
“My favorite topic to learn was integration by parts. I was absent the day Ms. Acciarito taught the lesson, so I learned a different method from watching YouTube videos.”
-Dassen S.
“My favorite topic was polar & vectors. It was very similar to when we first learned about derivatives and it was refreshing to have something like that right after series, a difficult topic.”
-Cathy L.
“I really liked vector motion. Vector motion was like a breath of fresh air for me after doing series for so long.”
-Peixian C.
“My favorite topic to learn was Unit 6: Integration and Accumulation of Change”
-Shamayun K.
What topics did you struggle with and how were you able to overcome those challenges?
“The topic I struggled with the most was series. I overcame my challenges with the topic by going to tutoring and doing my work. But more importantly, praying that I do well.”
-Mariam T.
“Polar and series were definitely the most difficult topics for me. By going to class more often and attending tutoring during office hours, I was able to improve before I took the AP exam.”
-Yu Xin L.
“I struggled with the series unit and the way I was able to overcome that struggle was by studying at home. At the beginning of the year I never felt the need to study at home but that changed when I encountered series.”
-Dassen S.
“Series was the hardest topic for me. I would study the different types of series so I would know which test to use. It was difficult but it was so worth it for the exam.”
-Cathy L.
“I really struggled with series; It’s something I still struggle with but I think constant review and always practicing definitely helped me more.”
-Peixian C.
“My weakest topic was Unit 10: Infinite Sequences and Series, and I sadly never fully overcame that obstacle before the AP exam. However ,I was able to overcome some of it with additional tutoring from Ms. Acciarito and one other classmate to at least understand the fundamentals or foundations of the unit.”
-Shamayun K.
What is something you looked forward to in this class?
Something I look forward to in this class was seeing all the different presentations solving past FRQ questions
-Dassen S.
“I always looked forward to Ms. Acciarito’s positivity. She never fails to get a smile on your face, even when you’re at your lowest of lows. I am certainly a witness of such a power, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her unending kindness and joy. If there was only one person that I’d miss when I leave, it would be her. (There are plenty of other amazing teachers here as well.)”
-Alexander H.