Abdullah Hashimi- Upperclassman of the Month!

Abdullah Hashimi is the Upperclassman of the Month! Abdullah loves attending FDR, because it is such a diverse school. The wide varieties of cultures, religions, and ideas are what makes this school special. Abdullah admires all his amazing teachers, who make every day enjoyable. He recognizes that FDR is by no means a perfect school, but the longer he is here, the more it grows on him. Attending FDR has been a unique and rewarding experience that he cherishes.

For as long as Abdullah can remember, Literature and History have been favorite subjects. Literature is a central part of his life. Reading books and stories have had a huge impact on his development. This love of reading has branched out into a passion for writing. Abdullah hopes to create stories which will one day help people in their lives, as they have helped him. History is a subject he can’t help but love. He believes this love and fascination for for the subject comes from the amazing teachers he has had. He is quick to point out, “Those who cannot remember the past, are doomed to repeat it.”

Abdullah is involved in many clubs and activities in and out of FDR. At FDR, he is a writer for the New Dealer, the First Generation Club, Literature Magazine, NHS, and Student Government. Many of these activities are linked to his interests in writing and literature. Others he joined because he is passionate about the purpose of the club. For example, the First Generation Club discusses various social issues which he feels are important. Abdullah also likes to expand outside of his comfort zone and be active in the  school community. Outside of FDR, he volunteers at the local library and NYU Aspire.

The best advice Abdullah would give a new student at FDR would be to join a club or team. Being a part of something bigger than yourself is a great experience. Not only can you explore new interests, you can make new friends. Students should put effort into all their classes and take full advantage of everything FDR has to offer.

Abdullah believes he was chosen to be the Upperclassman of the Month, because he has a strong work ethic. Abdullah is very humble and believes there are many other students more deserving than him. This is why he is such an outstanding example of FDR best.

Congrats Abdullah you have made Cougar Nation very proud!