FDR Turns 50 This Year!!!

Can you believe it has been 50 years since FDR High School was established? It’s crazy! Well, to celebrate FDR High School’s 50th Anniversary, there will be plenty of events held throughout the school year. Mr. Serrago has formed a committee to develop events with members of the FDR family. This includes sporting events, student faculty events, a Quiz Bowl, perhaps a homecoming, and much more. There will also be a display of artifacts from 50 years ago. That’s amazing; I’m definitely looking forward to that display. There will also be a big Cougar Family dinner in May! Students should stay alert for announcements, so that they can participate in these events. Look for posters around the building!

If any student has any ideas for this big event, he/she can talk to Mr. Serrago in the English Department (room 305).  Be a part of the history of FDR High School! Mr. Serrago says that this is a significant event, and he is very happy to be a part of it, “I’ve been here for so long, it’s like I never left.” He graduated from FDR in 1978, and he’s been working here for 30 years! It’s been a great place for him, and he wanted to get involved in the 50th Anniversary of FDR!  A special New Dealer thanks goes out to Mr. Serrago and everyone involved in the preparation!!