This issue’s Senior of the Month is Cui Lin Lee, also known as Margarita. She would like to attend either Columbia University or Cornell, but she’ll be happy with any good university she can get into. Margarita’s favorite teacher in FDR is Mr. Catalano, because he has a unique way of teaching, and he has become a great influence in her life as her friend and teacher. She has joined the Robotics and Anime club,and she really enjoys the company and the new friends she has meet. If there was only one thing Margarita would change about her High School experience, it would be not researching enough about all school clubs, so she could have joined all the activities she missed. Margarita’s advice for future graduates is to enjoy your time in high school, but do not forget your duties as a student, and your goals and dreams in college. Also, there is time for everything. Margarita believes she was chosen because Michealla (the writer of this article) likes her and because of her dedication in school. She believes it’s her personality as well; she’s mean but sweet, more sweet than mean. Keep up the hard work and dedication in college.