FDR Cougars Football

Coach Klyap was a great football player at Stonybrook University, and he brought his incredible passion for the game to our FDR Cougars. Klyap is proud of what the team has accomplished over the last few seasons. He continues to hope for bigger and better things. Will the team be able to deliver a great performance this season? Let’s see how Coach Klyap feels.
Q&A with Coach Klyap

Q: What are you hopeful the team will achieve this upcoming season?

A: Coach Klyap is hopeful the team will make playoffs and will be able to have a deep playoff run. The team is still young, and as a result, they don’t have lots of experience. He believes as the season continues they will only get better as a unit.
Q: Which returning players have contributed the most to the wins the team achieved last season?

A: Returning players this season that contribute most to team wins are Tevin Peters, Taheed Mohabeer, and QB Albesonne Moreau.
Q: Which players do you feel have a potential future in college football?

A: There are five seniors, who can have great success in college football- this includes Tevin Peters, Taheed Mohabeer, Albesonne Moreau, Jason Alsena and Gene Edmen. It is all about their commitment to getting better on the field and in the classroom.
Q: What will the future hold for the FDR Cougars?

A: The freshman class this year has worked hard, and Coach Klyap is hopeful more dedicated players will be coming to Cougar Country. This year four sophomores are starters on the Varsity team- Everton Bright, Ian Bran, Terrance Greenridge, and Eugene Feggins. The juniors are led by lineman Jason Ulcena.
Q: How has your success at Stonybrook helped you coach the FDR Cougars?

A: While attending Stonybrook, Klyap was the team’s MVP in 1988. At Stonybrook, he ranks first all-time in interceptions, second all-time tackles, and he was a Hall of Fame Inductee in 2000. Coach Klyap had a great experience playing football, and he wants to give other high school students the opportunities he was given. He tries to give the players the guidance, support, and discipline he was shown.

A special thanks to the Coach Klyap, a Stonybrook legend, for taking time during this busy part of the season. Best of luck to the FDR Cougars, and the entire football coaching staff, make us proud!