Female Athlete of the Month – Kinga Kupras

Very special congratulations to Kinga Kupras of the Flag Football team, our Female Athlete of the Month. Kinga somehow manages to balance her time to be on not one, but three sports teams! The multi-talented athlete is very humbled by this achievement, even though she wasn’t expecting it in the first place. Kinga is always trying to reach the goal that she sets upon herself. She isn’t afraid to taking any type of risks. While she claims she may lack faith in her abilities, her play on the football field definitely says otherwise.

Kinga racked up a lot of stats throughout this year. In volleyball, she managed to get eight blocks, eight digs, scored six points, and managed to get three aces. In flag football, Kinga managed to cover a total of 234 yards! During basketball season she dropped 74 points, 40 rebounds, and had 20 total assists. Each of these teams managed to have success, and Kinga is one of the main reasons why.The scary part is that this is only her Junior year. We can expect more from Kinga next year, when she comes back better than ever.

Sports has always been Kinga’s passion. She claims that it’s almost impossible to imagine spending a day without practice. Her work ethic is a valuable quality that reveals why she is able to manage her time to be on three teams and complete her schoolwork. Kinga even says being on the school’s sports teams actually helps increase her grades. Kinga loves representing FDR. She has managed to learn English, and discover her athletic abilities, during her time at FDR. She is incredibly grateful for that

For any up and coming athletes at FDR, Kinga simply advises to push yourself forward and to never give up. The word impossible doesn’t exist for her, it’s all about how bad you want it to happen and whether you’re willing to put in the work for it.

Once again, congratulations to Kinga Kupras our Female Athlete of the Month. Keep it up girl!