Solid State Batteries: The Next Leap In Energy Storage
Batteries area one of the best ways to store energy. They can be formed into many sizes and can be put inside phones, computers, cars, and even be used for storing energy in power plants.
These batteries are incredible, they allow so much energy to be kept in a cell to do many tasks, and these cells can be recharged quite easily too. The batteries charge by moving charged particles called electrons from an positive side of the cell to a negative side and likewise from the negative to positive to discharge it. To charge it, there has to be electrical current passing through the cell which either makes a positive or negative charge field in the cell in which it causes the electrons to move. For these to travel form one side to the other, there is also a liquid within the cell called an electrolyte which allows the particles to move and hold them in place.
Yet, not everything is great. The batters have one major weakness. This is that these batteries can degraded heavily due top multiple factors. Lithium Ion batters don’t like the cold, as it drains their charge quickly. When these batteries get too hot, it will cause the electrolyte within the cell to become stiff and create small crystal like structures called dendrites. They can block the flow of electrons and even cause the cell to explode, such as what kept on happening to the infamous Samsung Note 7.
The batteries also don’t like being totally drained, or totally charged either as that can worn out the sell as well due to excessive applied currents on the cell. However, thanks to innovation, these problems are soon to disappeared.
Enter Solid State Batteries. The batters while similar to many of the the things form Lithium Ion Batteries. There is one major difference that sets them apart from one another.
This is the fact that these batteries possess a solid electrolyte solution for the electrons to travel through instead of a liquid one. The notion of a solid core means that it’s more durable and is not prone to being susceptible to the problems of dendrites, as well as having a bigger capacity for charge. There are also some minor differences as well as well as increasing the operation temperature zone, meaning it can run in colder and hotter operating temperatures. These improvements are enough to call it the next leap in battery technology. But even for this, it is not all great.
This is still early technology, it is expensive, and hard to produce. To make the solid electrolyte core itself, requires a whole new production method and a whole new materials as well. The process is still in its infancy but many different companies around the world are gathering together to develop it like Toyota, Samsung, and Apple. The technology is also not impossible but infect doable as there is already a small scale battery made to demonstrate it. The batteries are incredible, and if made to become affordable, its advantages could change the world forever.