What is unsettling about today’s society? Was society 20 years ago better off? Not to sound like a pessimist but in reality, we don’t live on a perfect earth. And we Americans don’t live in the “perfect” country. Every good has its faults. America today is trying to deplete cultural pluralism and discourage minorities, due to their religion, sex, country of origin, and race. But why are minorities being targeted? Why make them a target today when many argue there is no such thing as “White Privilege,” and many argue there is such a thing as “White Discrimination” today in 2025?
Let’s start at the roots, 1619 which is the start of race-based bondage of Africans into the Americas. Introducing a newer reform of slavery, chattel slavery into the New World. Slavery had existed way before, with roots of chattel slavery dating back 3500 BC. Ancient Mesopotamia used slavery up until the Medieval era, but it was never race based. It was usually to do with social class and military reasons (prisoners of war). Slavery in Egypt was driven by conquest, political, economics, and social factors. Africa’s existence of slavery, towards their own people is historically correct, but some might run with it to justify a bias and perspective of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and coerced labor in the Americas. Because “What makes it wrong when we do it instead of them?” People might ask. However, the difference is that the treatments were less harsh, even though it was a staple to the society to boost a region of land (“nation”). There was still social mobility that allowed and gave those who might have been born slaves, to make something of themselves in society. Meanwhile in the Americas, Whites made sure there was no way for a slave to become higher than Whites. Even if you were a mixed child, or your great-grandfather was of black descent to their knowledge, they didn’t care. It just meant you were less (Meanwhile, anywhere else, if your great-grandfather was a slave, you still had the ability to boost yourselves in society). Social Darwinism was used to justify the belief of, “who is the dominant race?”
Evidently the system was meant to fail before it was made. Don’t you think? Abusing the system the best way possible, one man for himself. One race for itself. Racial stereotypes such as less educated, less able, “dishonest,” or less trustworthy dominated. Even today, less attractive, less capable, less civil, less deserving, more violent, and oppressed people play the victim card.
Many examples of the systems built that failed/prevented Blacks and other minorities in this country to make something of themselves:
–Sharecropping, after the abolishment of slavery, sharecropping began to rise from 1865 to 1877 even though blacks were “recognized” as citizens with “rights” in 1868, with the 14th amendment. Evidently this system put Black farmers/families into a cycle of debt. So how were they able to?
–Black Codes, a series of laws in the South built in place after African Americans were granted rights. These laws were meant to restrict blacks pretty much ensuring them to not advance economically, politically, and socially.
–Immigrants coming into the U.S. doing dangerous or simple jobs but paid less wages. As well as less wages given to those based on color, sex, and country of origin.
– Segregation/Jim Crow laws set in place to separate Colored and Whites in America. Which ties into the refusal of jobs, services, or natural rights due to the dominance of one race over another. As many believed, “White is Right”
–The KKK, a white supremacist hate group made to discourage and or threaten people politically starting during Reconstruction. It greatly grew in popularity in the early 20th century which was heavily influenced by Nativists who were against social change and immigration/migration.
These are just some of the many instances. Well, what about the American Dream? Do you think this was put in place to make the American Dream achievable for all?
Treatment/ Positives that turn into negatives:
-Black Wall Street – It was a nickname for the Greenwood district in Tulsa Oklahoma. This district was a wealthy black community for its time. In 1921 a mob of White Supremacists burned down homes and businesses. It can be categorized as the worst incidents of racial violence in American history.
-Black Panther Party – It was an organization in 1966 created for self defense and to bring awareness to the inequalities and violence the black communities. It was the most influential militant and political black power organization. They were a Marxist-Leninist Group. Meaning they believed capitalism and imperialism was the root of the exploitation of black people and other marginalized groups in America. The FBI director saw them as, “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country”
-Tuskegee Syphilis Study Experiment – 1932-1972 immoral studies were conducted by the U.S public health service in Alabama. They took around 400 black men and gave them Syphilis, the worst part was they weren’t given a diagnosis of what they had and were denied any treatment. The “purpose” of this inhumane study was to see the evolution of a disease without being treated. What strikes me is why Black community? Why not choose anyone else? Why not whites? Why not ask for volunteers?
-White relation in black affairs and culture/affairs – We can first look at the music business of today, those who are at the top and who are the record labels are the ones who typically allow and or enforce things that need to be pushed out. Lately we have been seeing the black community at the highest rate rapping about violence, usage of the n-word, boasting about unhealthy lifestyles, and overall inappropriate themes (In reality fueling these stereotypes and drawbacks). People are so quick to point fingers at the community but never understand the importance of why. Do you think typically all artists wish to start off so hardcore? Nonetheless, labels and those up top push out agendas and ideas with money and contracts. And its business is no joke, and it is harming the community. Music should teach valuable lessons and fuel creativity, but nowadays we don’t see any of that. Celebrities and artists are seen as role models to adult and young teens. So, what is pushed out is what will be consumed. If you’re a minority and money is being thrown at you, would you accept it or refuse it?
Today why are the black and or minorities of this country declining negatively in achievements?
There is a 100% reality of systemic racism. We hear today that Blacks commit most of the crimes in America. But why? Let’s take the time to sit, review, and look through the point of views of others. Some might argue due to the lack of a fathers in their childhood, the person committing the crime might not understand good morals or wasn’t grown up right. But why? Why no father? Well maybe the father couldn’t afford a kid therefore it makes no “sense” for them to stay. Maybe that same deadbeat father wasn’t able to get a good job, because he didn’t go to college. Maybe he wasn’t able to afford it, bad grades, no scholarship, because the school was most likely underfunded. But why? They were born into poor areas because most families struggle with building enough wealth to move out. Blacks were able to achieve enough wealth for themselves, but we still see this occurring trend of success being burned down and destroyed each time. As Martin Luther King Jr. had said, “It is alright to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstrap, but it is cruel to say to a bootless man he has to lift himself by his own bootstrap.”
Even after still being treated with hate, violence, and inequality within our society, the only thing that changed is that it got “60%” better. As 41% blacks face discrimination and unfair treatment in the workforce. The highest rates of unemployment are found in Blacks and Native Americans. You can follow the trends set to do with race. The percentage rates found in the White race is only at 3.3% and 20-30% denied college admissions. Blacks denied the rate at 36%. See the difference?
Now that we have cleared some background, let’s take a look at our society currently. Let’s talk about the things President Trump has taken action on, to remove DEIs. Which is known as the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Act, its goal is to create a workplace where everyone is valued with equal opportunities. This was created mid 1960’s along with Title VII: On Equal Employment Opportunity also known as the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which was the law to prohibit workplace discrimination, as in refusing to hire a person etc. They both tie into each other because both promote fairness, reduce hiring off a bias, and a better community. Nowadays we see people complaining about how it’s a good thing for DEI to be removed However, I see it as something that can drastically push us back economically, socially, and politically in every aspect. Many argue that DEI’s favored minorities in the workplace and gave jobs to those who don’t deserve the title. Now I understand that it is highly important to hire someone based on their ability of their work, so if we are removing those based on who earns and “receives” it, then I think white men in this country should also be held accountable just like all affected in the matter. DEI helped POC + Immigrants when it comes to employment in the workforce. However, many forget that the removal of DEI’s can still affect “non-minorities,” after all, white women and veterans benefited greatly. Just something to note.
I would like to comment on the recent news, such as what real positives came from the removal of DEI? The odds of plane crashes are at a 0.0001% percentage. But now after all these recent plane crashes and incidents, who’s to say those odds are not now greater. After Trump removed several TSA workers, aviation officials from Safety Key Advisory Committee, and defunding the community has caused the FAA to be understaffed. Is the DEI working in favor of the public or its destruction. Is this a part of some bigger plan?