Solving Crimes: DNA & Modern Technology Play A Role

DNA evidence plays an essential part in solving crimes. DNA evidence and modern technology can be used to link a suspect from a previous crime committed years ago, to a crime that was committed recently. Without the use of DNA many cases would not be substantiated. DNA evidence can directly prove that someone was responsible; this type of evidence is considered to be direct evidence.
DNA is able to be used as a comparison to evidence found at a crime scene in order to match a suspect. The DNA database known as CODIS, which stands for “Combined DNA Index System,” needs to be used.
Many cases were solved as a result of DNA evidence and modern technology. For example, a fifteen year old girl named Linda Strait was abducted on her way home from a grocery store in Spokane , Washington on Sept 26, 1982. A day later her body was found, she was raped and strangled. Although investigators had a suspect, and DNA evidence, the technology at the time was not able to technically prove the guilt of the suspect.
It wasn’t until 2004 that the suspect Arbie Dean Williams was convicted of the crime. He was convicted as a result of a new testing which resulted in a match between the evidence and a mitochondrial DNA profile obtained from a blood sample of Williams. This case among others proves how important modern technology is, as well and DNA evidence in solving crimes, and bringing perpetrators to justice.