Juniors- Get Ready For College!!!
Juniors, have you thought of what you should be doing to prepare for college? Think no farther. FDR has college advisers who are willing to help you prepare for college, all you have to do is ask. Mr. Timmins and Ms. Turturro are in the college office waiting to answer any question you might have. They are located in room 104. Getting ready for college is probably the hardest thing to do in high school.
Do you know what the college advisers do? College advisers arrange for sophomores and juniors to use computerized search programs for career, college and scholarship information. Appointments can be arranged if you just ask. They arrange tours of colleges, so make sure you keep checking the board by 104 and get a permission ship. There are fall (daytime) and spring (evening) College Fairs here at FDR. Two upcoming college fairs at listed below. Folders are set up for each junior in the spring to collect autobiographical essays, teacher recommendations, test scores, and profiles of activities in and out of school. Calendars for college representatives to visit FDR and meet with students in small groups are also arranged. College advisers meet with individual juniors to help decide on reach, possible, and safe college choices. They distribute financial aid materials, applications, assist students with completing financial aid and scholarship applications, and arrange evening financial aid meetings for students and families. In addition, they help students register for PSAT and SAT testing. Fee waivers are available for eligible students to pay application fees. The office has a full supply of CUNY, SUNY, SAT, ACT, TOEFL and FAFSA applications. Our college advisers will be meeting in the coming weeks with junior Social Studies classes to discuss career choices and college planning. If you are a junior and do not have a Spring U.S. History class, see Mr. Timmins ASAP to arrange for a pass to the workshops.
In March, to prepare for senior year, students should meet with their college adviser and being to register for SAT/ ACT exams. SAT dates are in May and June at a different schools throughout the city. It is recommended that students take the SATs twice. If students are taking in twice, it is recommended to take it once in the spring semester of junior year and once in the fall semester of senior year. Also, use the Computer Center and internet to begin college/scholarship searches. During the mouth of April, juniors should request letters of recommendation from teachers. Students should get at least get 2 teachers to give them recommendations. It is important students register for the College Now program and start visiting colleges. July through August are the perfect time to work or volunteer at a job, take summer courses, travel with family, visit colleges, and begin requesting applications.
There are many questions you should ask yourself about when you’re looking into colleges. Will I feel most comfortable in a small, medium or large school? What do I want to study? Do I want a prestigious college? All great questions, but the real question is what’s the best college for me? You should also look at the cost of the school, financial aid available, the community, admissions standards, and extra-curricular programs. Summer is a great time to look at scholarships you might want to apply for in your senior year.
Applying for college can be very simple if you have the right people guiding you. Go to room 104 and get started. They have great recommendations on what you should be doing to get into the colleges you want. Don’t just choose a college, because your best friend is going there. Go the college you think will help you succeed. You will always make new friends. What are you waiting for, go start preparing for college now!!!!!
Upcoming College Fairs
National Hispanic College Fair
March 23rd and 24th
St. Joseph’s College
250 Bedford Park BLVD. West
*This fair is open to students of all ethnic groups. Students can sign-up in the College Office.
19th Annul College Fair at Riverbank State Park
March 12th – Free Admission!!
145th Street and Riverside Drive in Manhattan