The National Honor Society

The National Honor Society is an organization that aims to enrich and sustain FDR High School as well as the surrounding community. The National Honor Society cultivates leadership through community service. Here is some information regarding the National Honor Society.

*The National Honor Society is considered a secret organization among the members and the staff.

*National Honor Society members do various community services in and outside of school.

*In order to become an honored member of NHS, one must have and maintain a 90% average, go through a rigorous application process, and finally, have an interest in developing leadership skills.

*Members of the NHS contribute to different out of school organizations that include Libraries, Hospitals, Animal Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Religious Institutions, and many others. NHS members also contribute to the welfare of our school by volunteering as Translators, Tutors Peer Mediators, and Ambassadors.

*As a member of the National Honor Society, I would like to say that the best activity was taping FDR High School staff members to the wall.

Miss Holland, the advisor of the National Honor Society, refused to answer my boring questions and instead proposed the following questions. Mr. Serrago also happily answered the following questions as he happened to walk by at the time of the interview.

  • What was the first movie you remember seeing in the theater? Miss Holland answered “Pinocchio” which was also the movie that taught her how to lie. Mr. Serrago answered Mary Poppins.
  • What is the most excellent animal to see in the zoo? Both Miss Holland and Mr. Serrago said that it would be an elephant.
  • If you could be an alternative life form, what would you choose? Miss Holland said that she would like to be a Bold Eagle and Mr. Serrago would like to be a bacteria or MRSA.
  • Which celebrity irritates you the most? Miss Holland named North West.
  • If you had to choose, would you rather give up Diet Mnt Dew or rice cakes? Both Miss Holland and Mr. Serrago would give up rice cakes.
  • What is the best chocolate? Miss Holland answered Hershey Kisses.
  • What other profession would you excel at? Miss Holland would consider being a serial killer or an FBI profiler. Mr. Serrago happily replied that he will be a shoe salesman.
  • If you could live in a cartoon for a day, which one would you pick? Both Miss Holland and Mr. Serrago said that they would live in the cartoon The Jetsons.
  • Which fashion trend should be abolished? Miss Holland answered socks and slippers and pajamas.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the National Honor Society, focus or your school work right now and listen for announcements this spring regarding the application process.  The New Dealer would like to give a special thanks to Miss Holland, Mr. Serrago, and all the NHS members for all they do at FDR!