The Anime Club is an after school gathering held in room 404. It is a rare scene to view such joy and enthusiasm from a math teacher’s room; however, Mr. Catalano is no ordinary math teacher. He is a brilliant individual who accommodates to everyone’s needs for their own benefit. With his permission, his room is commandeered on Wednesdays and Thursdays afterschool in order to facilitate the gathering of like minded individuals.
Originally, the club was created for the sole purpose of viewing anime, however, through the needs of the members, it has remolded itself in order to provide a greater range of services. These services include assistance with home works and assignments, as well as lessons in practically every subject. For additional entertainment students are allowed to bring their gaming consoles such as the X-box, Play station, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS etc. For those members who are interested in improving their artistic skills, this is a haven of both skilled and beginner level artists. Any caliber of imagination is welcome to scope out this incredible club. The club is run by a President and Vice President (who hasn’t been chosen as of yet). The President is a handsome senior with a bright mind, vivid imagination, and amazing artistic skills. Go and check him out, and the club, in room 404 on Wednesdays and Thursdays.